So, as I mentioned in a previous post (Change is a Good Thing and New Adventures are Even Better) I signed up to be a Beachbody coach, woohoo! This is something that I’ve been contemplating for a few years now and finally decided it was the right time in my life.
I’m starting off my “coaching career” with the 21 Day Fix and drinking Shakeology.
Chocolate flavored for sure! I drank this stuff a few years back and loved it, when I opened my bag yesterday and had some I literally thought to myself “Why did I ever stop drinking this?!” If you want to learn a little bit more about Shakeology go here.
Monday I start the 21 Day Fix program..and I’m excited! I was doing my workout yesterday and seriously questioned where all my strength went asking myself why I was such a wimp. Honestly, just more motivation for me, but I can’t wait to feel good again.
The 21 Day Fix program is made up of both a meal plan and an exercise program. The meal plan seems like its going to be really easy to use. It’s all based on portion sizes. You’re sent a series of color-coded plastic containers that represent your portion sizes throughout the day. The book that is provided is a guide as to how many of each colored container to eat throughout the day and what types of foods you should be putting in each of those containers. The simplicity of this meal plan is exactly what I need.
The workouts are only a half hour a day. 30 minutes, that’s it! I’m notorious for having a busy schedule so if I can be active and get results in a short amount of time, count me in!
Overall, I’m incredibly excited to start this 21 day journey and I’ll be sure to give you all a review and let you know what I thought at the end of the program. So, until next time.. Everyone have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend 🙂