So, I’m coming to you from my iPad for this post. Posting from my iPad is definitely not ideal, but when you forget your charger at the house you babysat at Wednesday you really don’t have a choice!
Today marks the end (or close to the end) of my first round of 21 Day Fix. Sunday I’ll have officially made it through the program and Monday I’ll be starting round two. Yeah, that’s how much I like it!
Here’s an overview of what I thought. I haven’t done a side-by-side comparison of my before and after pictures but I don’t think I’ve seen much of a change. Then again, I knew I wouldn’t see much change cause I don’t exactly have much to lose. That’s beside the point. I FEEL so much stronger. I will say my arms are looking more toned and I’m loving it. ????
It was a little difficult getting into the groove of the meal plan. Plus, I didn’t have great eating habits as it is so it took some time to adjust. The thing about this meal plan is they give you everything you need to know what portions you should be eating, what types of food, and even examples of recipes. The meal guide gives you ideas of what you can eat while at restaurants and how you can fit foods like pizza into the meal plan! I chose to stick with mostly clean foods so I could kick my other eating habits in the butt, and if I messed up at all I knew I had eaten clean the rest of the day. ????
Meal planning is HUGE! Knowing what you’re going to eat throughout the week eliminates extra stress if you’re busy and if you do prep, that’s even less you have to do during the week! I chose to portion my meat and put it in the freezer so I didn’t have to mess with it. I just pulled out the portion size I wanted and cooked it without extra hassle. This was awesome for nights that I had to head up to the dance studio shortly after I got home from school.
Here are some quick meals I made:
Ground turkey, carrots, and, red and green peppers
Cucumber, carrot, and pepper salad with Italian dressing
Freezer meals! It’s pretty easy to guesstimate your portions, just adjust accordingly.
What I would typically take to school for the day
Almost everyday my breakfast was my Shakeology. I LOVE this stuff. It’s an awesome meal replacement shake providing protein and other great nutrients. This shake is a life changer. I don’t NEED my coffee anymore. I feel energized. And it’s filling. I swear Shakeology could be a whole post in itself, but for now get more information here. Most of the time I drink it with almond milk (unsweetened original flavor) for a thicker texture but it’s good with just water as well.
A tool that I found really useful was the 21 Day Fix app. I didn’t find this until my second week in, but late is better than never! Seriously, this was so helpful, especially when it came to trying to remember what kinds of food were in which container. The app allows you to mark off your portion
containers as you use them throughout the day. It will also tell you examples of what foods should be in each container in case you need a quick refresher of what you can have the rest of the day.
Finally, the workouts. I’ve done a full round of T25 and I’ve also tried Insanity Max. Sometimes those workouts can be so intimidating! If you’re not ready for something that intense yet 21 Day Fix is an awesome place to start. The workouts are doable but still challenging, a perfect balance.
Like I said before, I’m feeling so good. I know I’m getting stronger and I feel like my body is toning up. I can’t wait to get started on round 2. My game plan is to be even more strict on my eating making sure I’m really sticking to my meal plan.
Does this interest you? Does 21 Day Fix sound like something you would like to take advantage of? From now until the end of the month this program with a month supply of Shakeology is $70 off the original price! Check out the program here.
Please feel free to ask questions about the program or just fitness in general.
I’m available through the comments below or abssofruitly@gmail.com.
Happy Friday!
Get fit, stay fit.