I started this blog back in May and I can say I really do enjoy what I’ve been doing with it. I’m able to share my experiences, health and fitness tips and workouts with all of you. 🙂
But, this week I began wondering, do my readers like what I’m posting about? Do they want to see more or less of certain types of posts?
As I was debating this and thinking about what I should write about this week, I figured…who better to ask about what to write about than the readers themselves?!
I’ve created a short, 4 question survey so you all can let me know if I should continue the way I am or switch things up a bit more. This way when I’m making my decision on what to post about or if I’m stumped on a choosing a topic I can go back and look to see what you all want to read and go from there. 🙂
You can access the survey here. I am so looking forward to what you all have to say.
Thanks for your help in making AbsSoFruitly more useful for you.
Happy Wednesday!