It’s FitFriday and I’m throwing an upper body workout your way. If you’re feeling ambitious do this workout and post your “Flex Friday” picture on social media. Use the hashtags #flexfriday #fitfriday and #abssofruitly! Also, feel free to tag me or post them on the blog page!!
Grab a set of dumbbells and get to work! You may wish to have a heavy and a light set and switch them out depending on the exercise. But also, make sure you’re challenging yourself enough in the weight that you do choose. Feel free to modify reps in order to get the most out of the workout.

Repeat for a total of 3 sets
Exercise Breakdown
- Chest Press on Ball
Begin with your back on the ball, from your shoulders to the low back region. The feet should be flat on the floor with the knees at a 90 degree angle. Bring the dumbbells down to your chest and push them straight toward the ceiling. Lower the dumbbells and repeat this action for the remaining repetitions.
*Hint* Hold your core tight to keep yourself still and remain on the ball. This exercise can also be done lying on the floor.
- Bicep Curls
Stand with your feet about hip width apart with a slight bend in the knee. Start with your arms down and flex the elbows bringing the dumbbells up towards the shoulders, slowly bring the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
Be sure not to swing the arms or use the back for assistance in this exercise.
- Wide Arm Push Ups
These push ups can either be done on the knees or on the feet. If you choose to use your knees still make sure you’re body from your head down to your knees is as straight as possible. Lower yourself as far as you can, until your chest or nose touches the ground is sufficient. Push yourself back up and repeat for the rest of the repetitions.
- Tricep Push ups
As mentioned above, you can use your knees for this push up if you wish. The only difference here from the wide arm push up is the placement of the arms. In this push up, your arms will be directly under your shoulders and when performing the push up, your arms will stay close to your sides.
- Shoulder Press
Start with your feet about hip width apart with a dumbbell in each hand. Raise them up to about 90 degrees. This is your starting position. Keeping a slight bend in your knees, press upwards to straighten your arms. Try not to lock the elbows when you lift. Slowly return to the start position and repeat.
- Bent Over Row
Your feet should be hip width apart with a slight bend in the knee. Bend over at the hips with a flat back, keeping the back, neck and head in line. Extend your arms out in front of you, then pull your elbows up toward the ceiling and squeezing the shoulder blades together. Lower the arms back down to return to the starting position.
- Front Raises
Your feet should be hip width apart and slightly bent. (This is one of those exercises I would use my lighter dumbbells for, depending on how many reps you decide to do.) Starting with your arms by your side, raise your arms forward, with the back of the hand facing the ceiling and stopping when the arms are in line with the shoulders.
- Tricep Dips
For this exercise you should start with your hands and feet flat on the floor. The fingers should be facing in the direction of the toes. If you wish to make this exercise more difficult, rest your hands on an elevated surface, like a chair, you may also straighten your legs.
Lower yourself using your arms and not letting your hips hit the ground. Extend your arms to return to a straight position.
- Lateral Raises
Your feet should be hip width apart and slightly bent. (Again I would use the lighter weights here.) Starting with your arms by your side, raise your arms to the side with the back of the hand toward the ceiling until your arms extend straight from your shoulders. Bring your arms down to the starting position and repeat.
That’s all for today!
Have a great weekend! 😀