Hannah RDN (now High Performing Human Nutrition) has been a dream of mine since I started pursuing a degree in dietetics. As crazy as it sounds, I went into my program KNOWING that I didn’t want to be a clinical dietitian. Well, being that most of the jobs are clinical-based, especially in the area I live in, I probably should have been scared shitless still pursuing that career path. But for some reason, I was entirely confident in my decision and went with it.
Now, part of my reasoning for not wanting to work in a clinical setting was because of my background in exercise science and loving the idea of combining the two. It was only recently that I realized there was more to it than that. I feel like my personality does not fit well in a clinical setting. I’ll play the part, and I did… well, actually I still do working in my contract positions. I show up in business casual attire, act professional AF, say all the right things, and do my job to the best of my ability. There’s more to me than that, not that I’m not professional in what I do, but I want to show more of who I am… be able to show my character and work with clients I relate to. As a previous client of mine said, I like to work with “my people.”
So, rewind, when I started Hannah RDN, as I mentioned, it had been on my mind for a while. I just wanted to get started! I quickly created a logo on my own so that I could file for my LLC and launch as soon as I passed my credentialing exam. At that point, I had been submerged in the clinical and corporate side of things for so long that I felt even having my own private practice I needed to follow suit of what may be expected of a dietitian. The idea of mainly focusing on weight loss, the image of an apple in my logo (because #healthyfood), and maintaining a professional and ‘don’t rock the boat’ sort of mentality.
In July of 2020, I joined a business mentorship program where being your authentic self was encouraged. It was what set you apart from the rest and made you the dietitian someone could relate to, confide in, and fully trust! That got my wheels turning… Then, in fall of 2020, my personal life took a turn and I finally started to figure out who “Hannah” was. I got real with myself, as uncomfortable as that was.
The pieces started falling together. I didn’t need to be the dietitian that only does poses with a basket of vegetables and is always dressed up on social media. Don’t get me wrong, veggies are important, and I will drill that into your head no doubt. But my personality leans more towards, ‘let’s eat a donut and lift heavy shit.’
With all of that, I decided the business needed a change of pace to really portray who I was and what I want the business to be. Enter rebrand ideas here. Next thing I knew I was working with someone creating a new logo (yeah, I left it to the professionals this time) and ecstatic about finally letting the image of my business really sum things up.
You may have noticed things on my social media have been a little more real and raw lately. I’m seriously LOVING sharing my true self with you all. It’s refreshing and it just feels right. I’m not the dietitian for everyone, but I’m the dietitian for someone. I’m here to make an impact for the right person, and that’s exactly what I’ll do.