Calories In vs. Calories Out
The basic idea of weight loss is that in order to lose weight you must consume less calories than you expend. For those of you that are not familiar with this, calories are the energy that we get from food as well as the energy our body uses to live. So, we need to be giving our body energy as we use it. However, if we want to lose weight, we can eat a few less calories and/or burn a few more with activity, forcing our body to use what it already has stored (usually fat).
Most of the time, this basic equation works for weight loss. But, sometimes, it doesn’t…
You’re Not Eating Enough
Many times, when I see individuals that have tried numerous diets, their weight has yo-yoed, and they are trying so hard to follow this calories in vs calories out method but seeing no results it’s because they’ve restricted their intake TOO MUCH and their body isn’t happy about it. Without getting too technical, your metabolism has suffered because of some of the eating habits you’ve chosen.
We are required to have a minimum number of calories in a day just to live. That’s right, if you are just sitting around, doing nothing, you better believe you should still be eating something. If we are not getting that minimum amount of calories, our body has to compensate and usually our metabolism suffers.
Are YOU Eating Enough?
Are you tracking calories and macronutrients but eating less than 1500 calories per day?
Are you eating less than 3 meals a day with no snacks?
Are you eating small portions?
Do you feel fatigued and run down?
All of the above are signs that you may not be getting enough to eat. Not only will you not see weight loss benefits from this, but your health could suffer dramatically. It is very important to make sure that when you start adding calories back in to do so with guidance from a nutrition professional. Adding calories in too quickly could cause unwanted side effects. Also, we can give you and idea of where you SHOULD be for your height, weight, age, and activity level to give you a goal to work towards.
Is this you? Do you need guidance?
Please feel free to reach out, send an e-mail, leave a comment, or find me on social media if you need help getting your health on track!