…make orange juice instead!
Have you ever started a workout challenge or program and had it fall apart because, as we all know, life happens? You get off track by a day or two and feel like “this isn’t working out as planned” and/or “this just isn’t the right time.”
This happens more than you’d think…in the past 6 months it has happened to me at least twice and it almost happened again this past week! But, this week I wasn’t going to let my busy schedule of work, school and studying get in the way of getting some type of physical activity in, especially since last week I committed to 20 minutes a day and managed to complete the challenge!
If you have an off day or things just aren’t going as planned don’t completely give up. If feasible, a little bit of something is ALWAYS better than nothing. Here’s what I did this past week on those days that I was too busy or tired to get to the gym but knew it was important to stay active. A ten-minute, simple workout to keep the movement going.
Just remember, don’t give up, because even if life doesn’t present you with lemons, you still have the option to make orange juice.