When would I recommend cleanses and detox diets?
Probably NEVER.
Your liver, kidneys, lungs, and other organs naturally detoxify your body. If you provide your body with the proper nutrients it needs, these systems will function properly and provide all of the cleansing that you need. Some toxicities like those related to heavy metals can require a form of therapy, but this is usually done under supervision of a health professional. I’m focusing more on the products and protocols that focus on weight loss.
People claim weight loss when they do a cleanse or a detox, this is due to short-term calorie restriction and short-term loss of water weight. That weight won’t stay off long. Take a juice cleanse for example. All you consume is juice for 1-3 days. In other words, all you’re consuming is sugary fruit water, for up to three days. So a major decrease in calories and fiber which will surely result in short-term weight loss. Also, some of these protocols suggest a healthy eating pattern both before and after the cleanse. If you were to just choose the healthy eating pattern as a lifestyle, you’d be able to lose the weight and keep it off!
Most detox products, like pills or teas, can actually pose more of a health RISK than anything! A quality health professional will not (or at least should not) suggest any type of nutrition product without understanding how or why product works. If anyone encourages you to try any supplement, detox, or cleanse, ask the how or the why to make sure there is some sound scientific evidence to support its use.
Support your body’s natural processes and fuel it the right way. Increase fruit and vegetable intake, drink enough water daily, and make sure you’re getting enough fiber; these things will allow your body to work adequately in its own cleansing and detoxing!