Oh my goodness I have been so busy! I sit and think to myself, how can this happen when I thought moving home, having one less job, and going to school only two days a week would decrease the craziness in my life, apparently not! I always find a way to keep myself busy, although I must say that lately, my crazy life has had more “fun” activities rather than stressful activities, so I can’t complain!
Last Tuesday I started teaching dance again. It’s really nothing short of amazing; being back in the studio, teaching a great group of students, having them take in and appreciate what I have to say, and sharing my passion with them. I also decided that I’m going to take classes again! As of right now I plan on being part of the ExcelDance chorus line and dancing in the Cheeseburger Parade in Caseville this summer!
And Monday July 20th I will hopefully be attending a class with Glenn Packard…all you Michigan dancers out there take note!! This is a class you won’t want to miss 🙂
Wednesday or Thursday (I am having an issue with remembering these details lately) was an exciting day being that I picked up my Naturebox order that got delivered from my parents’ house!! This month’s box included: Big Island Pineapple, Sriracha Pop Pops, Peanut Butter Nom Noms, Sweet Blueberry Almonds, and Chocolate Banana Chips.
As I look at what I have left of this Naturebox order, it’s a very sad day…
…all I have left is a few Chocolate Banana Chips and a half bag of Sriracha Pop Pops. Lesson learned: never share your Naturebox.
My brother’s birthday was earlier this month so I took him and a couple friends to a concert on Friday night.
It was a blast and I was glad I could take him out for his birthday. Not to mention I’m a fan of the artists too and enjoyed myself just as much! AND some of my friends from the dance team and other people I knew from the Palace Sports and Entertainment company were working that concert as well! It was great to see familiar faces that I am already missing so much.
Saturday I spent half of the day studying for a psychology exam I had yesterday (went pretty well, booyah!) and then in the afternoon headed to a wedding. It was seriously a blast. (Congrats Josh and Tessa!) Unfortunately I was having too much fun to remember to get pictures (I need to get better at that) but I do have this from the photo booth!
Obviously we aren’t very good at pictures and I’m pretty sure I’m being punched in the face in that last one, but that’s probably the best out of all of them. We stayed, ate, and danced until it neared 11pm…I have some pretty big UFC fans in my group of friends so it was completely necessary to get to Buffalo Wild Wings for more food and just in time for the last two fights of the night. The sport is growing on me, not gonna lie.
After such a crazy few days I had a nice relaxing Sunday. We stayed in a hotel after the wedding to avoid the long drive home and decided to go out for breakfast the next morning. A few of us that stayed ended up going to a place in a newer part of Bay City called Uptown Grill.
The food was delicious (I had an omelet with turkey sausage, spinach, avocado, and other veggies) but Sunday is definitely a busy day for this place so the wait was a little longer than we would have liked. We passed the time by heading into a coffee shop next door, The Fix.
I needed something to get me going so I ordered a Blend 46. This was some of the best coffee I’ve had in a while…I dare to say it even compares to my Caveman Coffee…now that’s a bold statement. If only I would have had my MCT oil with me *sigh*
I spent the rest of Sunday relaxing and studying. Pretty much the same for Monday other than my adventurous trip to get groceries (I REALLY needed a break from studying!)
Last night, after school, I headed back to the dance studio and still loving working with those kids just as much as I did the first week. 🙂
21 Day Fix Update: Okay, so the meal plan isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. I love food. I can still eat a lot of the stuff I want but I love to eat and that’s a problem. So, as much as I don’t like it now I’ll be happy I’m doing this in the long run and hopefully the slip ups and number of times I cheat throughout the week will keep dropping! The workouts are awesome. Nothing too crazy (it’s nothing like trying to tackle P90x or Insanity) but I still get a good sweat on and I feel it. Overall, using both the eating plan and the workouts, I already feel better and this is less than halfway through the program. I feel stronger, I’m liking the way my body is getting more toned already and I’m so excited to see what my results are at the end of 21 days.