Believe it or not there was a point in my life where I didn’t exercise, I didn’t think I needed it and I didn’t plan on ever being that girl that lifted weights or went to the gym regularly. I danced and, in high school, that was enough. Now check me out….haha
The first exercise class I ever did was Zumba. And I didn’t even want to go. My mom dragged me with her to a class that was taught at the dance studio I worked at. She assured me that I would like it, and be good at it, because it was a “dance” workout. Come to find out I LOVED it. Even as my mom stopped attending classes I went more and more frequently.
From there, my fitness journey began. I started taking different types of classes and eventually I found myself taking an early morning class that sometimes met at the gym…whoa (the reaction to both working out before 6 am and being in a gym). I was easily intimidated and if I didn’t go to that class I don’t know that I ever would have walked into a gym by myself.
It is really crazy to think that just 6 years ago regular exercise wasn’t part of my life, and now It’s a main component of my daily routine…I mean it IS my major.
I love taking advantage of fitness classes that my friends teach when I come back to my hometown so last night I took advantage of a Zumba class with a group of people that I started my Zumba journey with.
The workout was great and I had a ton of fun. I was really happy to be reunited with all these ladies that I rarely see these days. And to think, I almost didn’t try it all those years ago.
Try new things, you never know how it will affect the rest of your life.